The Seconds Tick Down | Teen Ink

The Seconds Tick Down

April 7, 2008
By Anonymous

The seconds tick down
The years fly past
The past months are only a blur

The family is together in the room; united as one:
Brothers and sisters, children and grandchildren
Friends are filling in

The old man, relaxed in his bed, breathes deeply…softly.
He knows time is limited
He knows the future is none
Yet he smiles, appreciating the time that he had

His children come near and he whispers mementos in their ears.
His grandchildren receive their full…advice from a wise old man.
Each relative and friend approaches, gloom fills their eyes
But they leave, with a slight glimmer of joy

Each minute becomes draw out…sucked for all it’s worth
Gloom and sorrow fill the air, however an aberration exists
The wearied man is still luminous, brilliant and sparkling
He is ready for an end to his long day

The walls close in and the community disappears
The colors swirl, majestic, peaceful…dreamlike

The man rises from his bed, new life in his step
He walks to the door like a newborn experiencing his first step
The door fades away and he is consumed by the light
A bright white glow, engulfs him, whisking away his worries, sorrows and regrets
The radiance seems like an old friend, ready to carry him forwards
The man steps forward into the never-ending corridor, a smile still entrenched on his mystic face

He knew that this was the end.
But he also knew that this was the beginning

The beginning after the end

The beginning of his new life…..

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