Belonging | Teen Ink


April 8, 2008
By Anonymous

There’s a place,
A little nook, where I fit
It’s calm, peaceful.
When I’m there, I’m safe—
Safe from the fury,
The doubt, the pain.

This spot has belonged
To others before me,
When I couldn’t be there.
I revel in the strange serenity—
Some have scarred this place;
Others have healed it.
I want to mend the wounds,
Erase the scars, bring back
Its pure beauty.

I belong here,
In this tiny corner
That has belonged to others.
Because it belongs to me now, also.
It’s delicate and warm,
And even when I can’t hear it,
I know I’m there.

When you hold me close,
I can hear my place,
Just barely feel it.
A little spot, bright and warm,
A safer haven than any church.

This spot is mine.
It may not be mine for long,
But it could be mine forever.
My place, in your heart,
Keeps me, protects me,
Loves me.

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