Story of Life | Teen Ink

Story of Life

February 18, 2008
By Anonymous

It takes a smile to be an acquaintance,
but sacrifice to be a best friend.

It takes one night to imagine a dream,
but determination to create it.

It takes medicine to destroy a disease,
but hope to overcome it.

It takes skill to beat your opponent,
but humbleness to win.

It takes a hug to reassure tears,
but it takes compassion to comfort the heart.

It takes waking up in the morning to go to church,
but faith to truly believe.

It takes a voice to speak,
but courage to stand up for what is right.

It takes greed to receive,
but kindness to give.

It takes laziness to watch a program about poverty,
but passion to help the needy.

It takes one hurtful word to hate,
but love to forgive.

It takes a simple frown to ruin a day,
but a smile to brighten one.

It takes a genius to craft a masterpiece,
but someone small to change the world.

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