Joker | Teen Ink


January 25, 2008
By Anonymous

I'm serious, Joker
Riddle me this:
Where did you go?
Why like this?
This vanishing act
Is making me cold
Take down the mirrors
Your performace was bold
Now please reappear
The fog is gone
Lights have gone down
Something is wrong...
Come back, Joker
Reveal the trap door
Silent and breathless
You've become no more
Your card trick was scaring
I must admit
Though it was good
It did come quick
All you wanted
Was the chance to prove
You weren't the Joker
You make the first move
You're life is your own
It's candy to see
You're smile and eyes
Feeling so free
Now the joke is on us
And apparently
The mirrors were wrong
Not all jokes are funny

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