Beautiful Death | Teen Ink

Beautiful Death

July 22, 2008
By Anonymous

It was the most exquisite death imaginable.

A single memory flooded my mind as I spiraled into death.

The memory of the day everything changed.

It was the day I could not get back, except in death.

For it was the best day of my life, a day that gave life its meaning.

The day that saved me from suicide.

That day, that was my heaven

my sanctuary

my safe haven.

My life.

My life, which is just a memory

A memory, to a corpse drifting in the pleasantries of death

Don't despair over my dead body, for it is just an empty vessel.

A shell, of a life I lived

But live no more.

A glimpse at who I was, but not who I am.

If you want that, you must glimpse at my soul

A soul, that is lost in a labyrinth of sin

Sin, is what I call life.

So, I choose death.

Sweet, Sweet death, take me to my memories.

The author's comments:
I am an aspiring writer who is currently working on a book, entitled high school scandals, a fiction work based upon my experiences in high school

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