Waiting for a change of pace | Teen Ink

Waiting for a change of pace

July 15, 2008
By Anonymous

crying in the bathroom,
bloodshot eyes,
sobbing for hours,
sometimes makes you want to die.
eats up your ability to function,
crying never gets old.
you make me want to scream my lungs out,
or even run away, far away.
standing in the rain,
crying out for some kind of help.
my tears are synced with the slowly dripping rain.
here i am, wishing,
just wishing,
that one day everything could be different,
very different.
voices telling me it’s going to be ok engulf me.
but it never heals the pain.
thoughts of life staying the same kill me slowly.
for every hour i live like this, in this misery,
my once eternal happiness starts to fade.
i strive for a change,
but that candle’s light is dim
everything is staying the same,
tearing me to shreds.

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