What A Rose Can Mean | Teen Ink

What A Rose Can Mean

July 13, 2008
By Anonymous

What A Rose Can Mean

A rose can mean joy.
For happy times,
Jovulent rhymes
For reading funny
prose like this!
So happy your face
With its red satin grace,
Its a wondor
Nothing's amiss.
A rose can mean joy

A rose can mean wanting.
Yearning for you,
And your marvolous face.
Un-orthodox beauty
crouding the place!
A beautiful smile
To go with your will.
They'll wait a while,
They'll fulfill.
a rose can mean wanting.

a rose can mean life.
In the midst of death
There is life.
And in the course of life,
There is death.
If this be a riddle,
Solve it with zest.
A rose can mean life.

A rose can mean sorrow.
Tears from above
Falling from our eyes,
Poor innocent one.
Dreams shattered,
Hopes smashed.
This life
Won't survive
Down the beaten path.
A rose can mean sorrow.

A rose can mean love.
What can I say?
Positive everyone's
Felt this way!
Up on cloud nine
So high in the sky.
Feet on the ground,
Just look me in the eye.
Say I love you, I love you,
I can't tell you good-bye.

The author's comments:
This will cerify that the above work is completely original. Mhegan Misztal

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