Escape | Teen Ink


July 22, 2008
By Anonymous

Watching the water crash down the rocks,

I stand and stare with wonder and amazement.

Does anyone admire it as much as I?

The sun shines down between the clouds,

Reflects on the water spraying all around.

The falling of the river is the only thing

That makes a sound in the peaceful quiet

Bright fish swim in the blue-green water

The mist seen through the sun creates a rainbow.

Does anyone admire it as much as I?

White foam is created at the base

As water, ever flowing tumbles down the rocks.

Red orange and green leaves float smoothly down the river.

Falling down from the many enclosing trees

Glistening brown rocks surround the falls

Making a strong wall between me and all reality.

Does anyone admire it as much as I?

A sense of protection takes over me.

The calmness and seclusion creates my perfect place.

Sweet, cool water flies down from the immense falls;

My sparkling privet escape from the world.

Does anyone admire it as much as I?

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