Death, My Death | Teen Ink

Death, My Death

July 13, 2008
By SilverShadow BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
SilverShadow BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The end
The only way out

The end to everything
Everything I've done
Good and bad
the end to my dreams, my happiness
The end of my love

The only way out of everything
Out of all the lies all the suffering
Out of all the pain.
The pain I've caused, the pain I have.


My death
My end
My only way out

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece shortly before I was submitted to a hospital for self injury.
There, I was diagnosed with chronic depression and anxiety.
Not to mention the self injuring.
I spent about a month in the hospital, and there I learned that life wasnt so bad,
that I could change my life.
Although Im still clinically depressed, life is better for me and no longer feel like I did when I wrote this poem.

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