the Woundorous Heart | Teen Ink

the Woundorous Heart

July 15, 2008
By Anonymous

She lay in her bed
While countless tears had been shed.
She remembers the laughs,
Knowing it all had been behind a mask.
The way she’d been treated,
The things he had said,
She knows she left a life she left a life she had dread.
There’s hope at last
For now she must not live behind the mask.
She’s free to explore,
Free to embark,
On a parlous journey of wondrous heart.
Now she can find the prince of her dreams,
The one who can take her away to a mystical place.
For now she is free to wear her true face.
Alas her heart begins to mend,
For she sees her prince is her truest friend.

The author's comments:
after my friend's boyfriend broke up with her she was really upset about it. Me and our other friend (a different guy) continuously tried to comfrot her but it was hard. A few days later when I came to her house she told me that she had gotten together with our friend. Next time I was asked to write for a solid 3 minutes without talking or stopping therefore I wrote about my friends.

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