My Angel | Teen Ink

My Angel

July 16, 2008
By Anonymous

The face of a goddess, her velvet skin accentuates her porcelain tone. She looks up to the sky maybe for reassurance that she is truly a stunning creature. The gentle smirk on her face lets you know that there is something underneath this perfect exterior. As her hair hangs down her cheeks like a sheet of light over the ocean, her eyes capture the breath of millions. Those eyes, a gateway into her heart. Stare into the soft soul that lies beneath those two black portals to the inside of her mind and body. Bating her long eyelashes as though they were the rays from the sun lighting up her entire face. The other half of this gorgeous piece of artwork shaded to hide her self from a world she lacks knowledge. Reminiscing possibly of something more worthwhile. Her eyebrows set perfectly above her dreamy eyes, as though they were arches hovering over the gates of heaven. Be mesmerized over the face of an angel with the sudden question for hope.

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