Falling With The Rain | Teen Ink

Falling With The Rain

July 17, 2008
By Anonymous

Looking through the crowd
For the one body standing out
More insecure and hurt
Filled with falselessness and doubt
A stranger that's unnoticed
One without a smile
One that's stepping on the stones
And has been waiting for awhile
A stranger that is dark
Hard to see into their eyes
One not forgetting
All the troubles and the lies
Looking through the crowd
I can finally see that face
The stranger I was searching for
Walking at a slower pace
Their face is veiled with a darkness
Their features enveloped with a pain
Their joys and hopes still linger
Falling with the rain
But as I reach this stranger
I look past their masking sealth
Staring in their eyes, I see
I am looking at myself.

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