The Cherokee tears oh do they flow | Teen Ink

The Cherokee tears oh do they flow

July 18, 2008
By Anonymous

The Cherokee tears oh do they flow,
They flow as silent as a dove.
This tragic event of broken tears,
Left a nation all in fear.
The white man ordered us all to move,
To move away from the land we called home.
He sent 7000 white men all in blue,
To invade our Cherokee home.

The Cherokee tears oh do they flow,
They flow as freely,
As we go.
We walk step by step,
And do not look back
To our sacred land,
Which is now all torn.
Because of the white mans greed,
His greed for gold.

The Cherokee tears oh do they flow,
They flow so clearly,
As we walked trough hell.
Forced to walk,
No sleep or talk
Or we would be killed by morn.

The Cherokee tears oh do they flow,
They flow so beautifully
As we walk along.
1400 of us all,
Cling to and from
As we walk 1200 miles.

The Cherokee tears oh do they flow,
They flow so peacefully,
As we continue on,
Miles go by and
Land gets bare.
For we stand in diseased places,
That no body knows,
Fore our survival looks very small.

The Cherokee tears oh do they flow,
They flow so hard
I just want to fall.
All around people are dieing,
And no ones doing a thing.

A story is a story
That can only be told
And that my friend
Is what I have laid before you.
The tears have fallen
But the deed is done.
So many lost,
Yet none forgotten,
In this Cherokee heart.
Their beating drums and whispered chants
Fallow me as I go,
Retelling our story
Of our pain and woes.
The Cherokee tears oh do they flow,
They flow so heavenly
As if they were from above.

The author's comments:
We had to write a poem for History about the Trail of Tears, and I came up with this. I tried to do something I never really wrote about and this is what came about.

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