Screenless Window | Teen Ink

Screenless Window

July 21, 2008
By MetroAngel BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
MetroAngel BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Moon risen high, centered in the sky.
A screenless window, and open glass
Transparently blocking my way from the scene.
The quilt of Heaven,
God's woven creation,
Displayed with pictures of our imagination
To the eye's delight that carefully attempts to take it all in
Yet fails.
Each star-stitch placed delicately in view
For the insomniac lucky ones to gaze upon
And chase away the mid-night nightmares
That haunt them when the sun sinks into the ground.
Illuminate moon, light the way.
Star-stitch, guide the path.
And I'll escape through the screenless winow,
And visit night's golden glow.

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