I Buried You Today. | Teen Ink

I Buried You Today.

July 22, 2008
By Anonymous

I buried you today.
When I thought I never could.
It was a game I liked to play;
I loved you, when I never should.

I buried you again.
I guess I lost another piece.
It's time, for this life to begin.
I think it's time to make some peace.

I buried all my fears.
Put them way down deep.
Like on a bike, I changed my gears.
I'm going to find someone to keep.

I buried who I knew.
Someone i didn't really like.
I was the one who laughed on Que.
I'd be the one to step on spikes.

I buried who I am.
because I hate who I've become.
And no one gives a dam.
So why should I want to be someone?

The author's comments:
This was written after my and my boyfriend broke up and i decided I was sick of who he made me become so I decided to "bury" myself and start over a life. Clear slate.

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