Love's Battle | Teen Ink

Love's Battle

July 22, 2008
By Anonymous

Labeled by his insecurities,
Reacted upon his doubts,
My heart pains circling through these revolving doors,
One man in another man's memories out.
Testing this course called Love,
Shoving my used to see, Grasping my need to be.
Demolishing new beginnings from the past we built,
Replaced by another dude's guilt,
Or was it mine?
Not able to stand as tall as I used to be,
as if he was the support to my spine.
I once remember when it was once upon a time,
you were my every line.
Paragrapghs streaming with the adoreness I had for you,
Hoping the day my crush and dream together was made true.
I prayed for an emotion,
and when I got you I became glad,
Remincing the long talks and laughing moments we had.
Then it became serious and it was all about you,
Girl after girl left me more heartbroken and threw.
Looking at the females searching for a finger pointing to whats wrong with me,
When truly the direction you led the only question I should asked was god remove my mind from he.
But I put a t in front and got trials and temptation that made me plee,
begging to have peace, be single and free.
I was a fool in love,
Only a moment captured and holding an imaged mindset,
Now I pray I am amnexia to my lost
with forgive and forget.
Hoping for more slip of mind,
than falling then sobbing for another of his kind.

The author's comments:
I used to ask myself,"Why do I write?" As I expressed myself more and more lyrically, I realized, I write because it answered all my questions. Replying to the troubles when I hoped for success, Responding to my feeble knees when I wanted to be strong, and Providing a motive when I talking, listening, seeing were not any options. THEWRITTENFACE

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