shattered | Teen Ink


July 23, 2008
By Anonymous

Time of happiness shattered,
but to you I don't think our love mattered.
They warned me not to fall hard,
but I did and you left my heart scarred.
I'm always gonna fell the pain,
but your love makes me wanna go insane.
I love to think about when we were together,
although I wish it could have lasted forever.
I told you I would never break your heart,
but apparently our love grew apart.
I just wish the love we shared,
could always be repaired.
It seems like I was addicted to your love,
and that you were from above.
That day I hate has came,
I fell like crying every time I hear your name,
and I wonder does she feel the same.
Now my life is one big regret,
that everyones love is a threat.
I sit here and think is to night a dream, or am I awake,
and that our love is just fake?
I sit here and cry hoping to die,
because you walked out without saying goodbye.

The author's comments:
I wrote this when my signifigent other, shastah left me but we go back together. She also really likes this poem for some reason.

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