March 20th, 2008 | Teen Ink

March 20th, 2008

July 25, 2008
By Anonymous

Girl, this is your proclamation,
this is your declaration,
your emancipation,
a reason to throw open windows,
fly around corners;
play melodies without music,
take photos without subjects.
You've got
art injected fingertips;
beauty blooming out your brain
like a ricochet bullet headed for god.
Crack my heart open!
Girl, reach up and crack the sky open with your hands.


How'd you ever get to know me
an elaborate neurotic
a hot mess car crash
with a pen in her hand,
a mouth full of awkward/stupidly impervious statements?


How do
two people like us
provide a human example of cohesion
in this myriad population
this cotton candy eyed world?

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