Lovely Stranger | Teen Ink

Lovely Stranger

July 26, 2008
By Anonymous

A stranger came by in
A black coat.
He was not very handsome
But he was.
He was everything that
I’ve dreamed.
He was everything that
I needed.
I wanted to just go
Up to him.
I wanted to just go
With him.
I wanted him to just stay
With me.
But he had other plans
To follow.
He asked me for my hand
To go.
To go to wonderful places
Not dreams.
To go far beyond limits
Not pictures.
I touched his hand lightly
With mine.
I touched his lips slightly
With mine.
I let him take me to that place
Slowly because I had doubts
Over me.
Slowly because I had doubts
Over him.
And because he was just a
Lovely stranger.

The author's comments:
Sometimes you fall in love with a stranger whom you sometimes know and sometimes don't nkow. Sometimes you fall in love accidentally. Sometimes you fall in love unpredictably. And every time, you fall in love with doubts.

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