Beneath the Silence | Teen Ink

Beneath the Silence

July 26, 2008
By Anonymous

I stumble and I fall,
As I hear the impatience in your voice,
I search my mind for a way to be good enough,
But instead I leave you with this lingering emptiness,
And you leave me stunned with the words you speak,
Unable to comprehend what you want me to be,
And I see your teasing ways,
But it still hurts sometimes,
These things you say,
YOu leave me at a loss for words,
So I speak the ones you hate most,
And you ask me why,
Why I have to be like this,
Always uttering under my breath,
Or leaving you with such a cold silence,
I don't understand how you can do this,
HOw you can make me feel so perfect and yet so worthless,
And I'm looking for any hidden meanings behind the words you speak,
Unsure if I want to reach beneath the surface,
Or see where this path leads.

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