Fairytale Catastrophe | Teen Ink

Fairytale Catastrophe

July 26, 2008
By Anonymous

This is no fairytale,
Love doesn't appear without any kind of fear,
I'll never be the beautiful princess,
So sure of her pince charming,
And when the clock strikes midnight,
I'm sure to disappoint you,
Bound to runaway,
Leaving you with memories and
a mouse bound pumpkin carriage,
I'll be wanting you as I go,
Searching for your face around every corner,
For this is a love I can't control,
A beast I owe my all,
I'll stay lost in this deep drowsiness over washing my senses,
Only to ever be fixed with your simple kiss,
I'll be your unwanted disaster,
You can be my happily ever after,
And together we can make a never ending catastrophe.

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