Everything to me | Teen Ink

Everything to me

July 26, 2008
By Anonymous

what would i do without you
you’ve helped me through it all
you grab my hand and pull me up
everytime i fall

at times when i was hurt
and i didn’t know what to do
you’d sit with me and talk all night
so i could make it through

you’d tell me i was worth it
you’d tell me dont give up
you’d tell me that you’d be there
even when the times got rough

what i’m trying to say is thank you
for being there for me
you’re the best thing in my life
you mean everything to me

The author's comments:
This poem is dedicated to one of my best friends, Kendron... I was going through a really hard time..and he was there to pull me up and help me get through it...and i dont know what i would've done without him

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