Apologies | Teen Ink


July 27, 2008
By Kayla Branham SILVER, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Kayla Branham SILVER, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dont be shocked that people Die, Be Surprised you're still Alive." -Flyleaf (Cassie)

Apologies are overdone
People always give out a ton
But today I feel I need to make one
I tear myself down
And then I start to drown
The thoughts in my head
Are weighing me down like lead
You try and help me
And it really does help to a degree
But for some reason I can't realize
The good things I have in my eyes
For months now i haven't be able
To try and keep my emotions stable
For some reason you have always stayed near
And tried to push away my fear
I would think that your frustration
Would make you want to take a vacation
From all the pain that I can't help but feel
I pray to God I find someway to deal
I'm truly sorry I'm such a mess
And I'm so thankful you always give it your best
To try and get it in my brain
That I'm not going completely insane
Please never let go
One day I'm going to show
You that I really am fine
And the dim light in my eyes are going to shine
The strength is there
It's just pushed behind without a care
The will to be great
Is hidden behind the self-hate
I'm going to find it
Just you wait....

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem for a really good friend of mine. He helped me get through some really hard times in my life.

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