Lying next to you | Teen Ink

Lying next to you

April 30, 2008
By Anonymous

Lying next to you
Wondering if you hear the sound of my heart beating
Then its skips a few beats
I feel like the time has stopped
and everyones around I'm reaching out to you when everyone
dissapears, baby
I'm here for love Is that what you want to give I have no shame because everyone is gone 'Cause when we're together im lost in your eyes I'm here for love can you show me what you have in store for me I want to feel every emotion from you bae I'm here for love show me what you got
I'm here for love and won't leave with out Is it just me and you Or do you see All the other people around It's not hard for me
Because bae I can't see what's around The people get blocked out
It's just you and me Baby can you see
I'm here for love Is that what you want to give I have no shame because everyone is gone I'm here for love show me what you got I'm here for love and won't leave with out
Promise me I will never be with out

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