Life is a story | Teen Ink

Life is a story

June 6, 2012
By manahil SILVER, Abudhabi, Other
manahil SILVER, Abudhabi, Other
5 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"where there is a will; there is a way"
"every failure is another chance to begin again more efficiently"

life is a weak flame
that burns in the winter lamp
scared to be blown off
by strong winds or by men

life is evil
it kills he who uses it
and abandon those who enjoys it
it laughs on those who ends it
and those who waste it

life is an intertesting story
which starts perfectly
goes on quickly
and ends finally
u read it and enjoy it
but pity on the ending

but being busy with your life
u soon forget that story
and one day yours itself
leaves a beginning and an end

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