The Sweet and Small Precious One | Teen Ink

The Sweet and Small Precious One

July 29, 2008
By Anonymous

Precious one
so sweet
so small
Oh what a mirical you are
To be the brightest star
Of them all
you may crawl
and you may bawl
But you will always be
The greatest mirical of all
Coming from the heavens
All the way to your birth
You will be the one to be sang to at church
To be baptised into this Earth
For sure to be loved by all!
You will grow up so sweeet
And so tall
And always remember that you will be the mirical
To all!

The author's comments:
What had inspired me to write this peom, is that my sister was pregnate and was going to have a sweet little preciouse baby girl, and I thought that it was exciting and I guess I just wanted to write a poem about it.

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