What's My Problem? | Teen Ink

What's My Problem?

January 7, 2008
By Anonymous

I never have been one to cry
In case you're wonderin'
I'll tell you why
My life is fine
It's like French wine
I don't have problems with who I am
This is I
I'm like a ram
Pig headed
A leader imbedded
Into my being
I never have been one to cry
So why,
Why do I cry so hard these days?
I don't have a problems with who I am
I'm stubborn in this belief
It'd be a reliefe to just let go
To throw my life a giant curve ball
Hit it out of the park
One homerun is all I need
To be Freed
To finally be me

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This article has 1 comment.

Miss.Bliss1 said...
on Aug. 17 2008 at 12:58 am
I dont think you have a problem. Your going threw a faze. It happens. Trust me...