Size Nine | Teen Ink

Size Nine

August 5, 2008
By Kayla Branham SILVER, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Kayla Branham SILVER, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dont be shocked that people Die, Be Surprised you're still Alive." -Flyleaf (Cassie)

Size nine is not fat
Is it so hard for people to get that
In fact to me it’s pretty great
To be able to have my heart beat at a normal rate
To sum it may not be good enough
But honestly I don’t look like a creampuff
To be called fat when you really are not
Makes a person feel caught
Between being comfortable in their own skin
And making it seem like they can’t win
The beauty contest the world seems to be apart of
Mostly I just want give it a shove
And make it see that beauty is within
And eating food isn’t a sin
You need to in order to survive
You’re not going to live of pure drive
So you see size nine isn’t fat
So for all who think so deal with that

The author's comments:
It's true that size nine isn't fat, so why do people tell everyone it is? We live in a country so obsessed with our weight that we are using everything in our power to make the world a better place.

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