My House | Teen Ink

My House

November 28, 2012
By Brandon_Nimke BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Brandon_Nimke BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
lifes a garden, dig it.

The old scarred swing, repainted way to many times
Just a greeting sight if you need a rest.
Three wooden decks to match our three bedroom house
Unlike the three decks we use the bedrooms
More than just for that occasional family gathering.
The old stairs that lead upstairs that echo every step
Creaking as it makes it impossible to sneak in or out.
A basement made for people of about five three not meant for me.
Ceilings so low only little people can handle

I hear gruesome growling from under the deck
I find our orange striped tiger cornering another similar cat,
Pulling him out before things get to serious.
The reason I look forward to coming home Baby Maxi,
Not really a baby since he is an outstanding twenty five pounds.
The older he gets the more likely the chance of him biting
Or hissing at you increases.
Loved by three and hated by the wrest,
I doubt he cares as long as he is getting fed.

Wrigley Field, the home of the Chicago Cubs
But not for this Brewer fan.
Papa Nimke the die hard Cub fan claims
The garage by decorating the walls with Cubs memorabilia.
Pennants, bobble heads, pictures, and the infamous Wrigley Field sign litter the garage.
Tolerated but never disrespected because we all know no one is perfect.
Never complaining when we go to Wrigley Field
To see the historic dark green ivy that grasps the outfield wall.

Two loving parents always sitting in the matching comfy green chairs
A greeting site when I arrive home
Eyes glued to the show that gives them the most drama or entertainment
Coming home late to find my dad up,
Tossing up an excuse just to hear a quick response
“That’s side the point!”
A saying from him that I will always remember because
There is no right answer to it.
A generous loving mother and a tough love father with maxi the cat
Are the reasons why I call it home.

The author's comments:
My great living environment inspired me to write this poem.

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