He Was Her Oxygen | Teen Ink

He Was Her Oxygen

February 12, 2008
By Anonymous

He Was Her Oxygen
Running Through Her Lungs
Keeping Her Vibrant And Whole
He was Her sun

Warming Her When She Was Cold
He Was Her Moon
Always shinning his light
And Watching Her At Night

Without Him
She Wouldn’t Be
Physical Appearance You Would See
Although Her Heart And Soul Would Be Set Free

He Was Her Oxygen
Her Sun
Her Moon
He Was Simply Her Everything

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 21 2008 at 6:18 pm
wow. this is actually really good. the only thing that i see that needs work is that the, "Physical Appearance You Would See" just sounds like a filler line to me. personally, i think that every line in a poem should be equally important as it's counterparts, possibly not including the first and last line.