A Moon With Face and Wings | Teen Ink

A Moon With Face and Wings

August 11, 2008
By Robyn Strong SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Robyn Strong SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In dreams I saw a moon, a moon with face and wings.
It blinked its owlish eyes at me, and a tear fell down its cheek.
To relinquish control of the tides, to fall upon the aberration of one who cares
To sail beneath the diamonds, blood-red against the sky
Falls so gracefully, but when it hits this chaotic world
It crushes my mind and my heart together, melding insanity with love,
And love with hate, and emptiness takes me.
The tear turns to a horror, corrupted by the earth
Pure moonlight fails to penetrate the wave of darkness left behind
What future for a world in which there is nothing but emptiness?
Even the heavens weep for what we have done.


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