Ode to the Bumble Bee | Teen Ink

Ode to the Bumble Bee

December 26, 2012
By lily9799 PLATINUM, Franklin, Wisconsin
lily9799 PLATINUM, Franklin, Wisconsin
49 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -Voltaire

The Bumble Bee buzzes,
And I sit and watch her fly,
I see her small wings,
Carrying her high.
The Bumble Bee buzzes,
And I wonder in amazement,
How she learned this trick,
How her small wings barely make it.
The Bumble Bee buzzes,
Yellows and blacks,
Her fur closer to fuzz,
She continues to collect.
The Bumble Bee buzzes,
Working hard all day,
How exhausting must it be,
For her to in the air, stay.
The Bumble Bee buzzes,
And I remain close,
Yet still she doesn’t sting me,
Or come and say hello.
The Bumble Bee buzzes,
Carefully as she goes,
I realize why she doesn’t sting,
But does she even know?
For if she does get frightened,
Or needs to protect her kin,
The decision to sting me,
Will end with her undoing.


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