IT | Teen Ink


April 8, 2008
By Anonymous

As I lay here watching;
the rain drips, drips down
onto the pavement.
The screaming won’t stop.

I hear all night. Every night.
It is all about IT. IT is
what can never be spoken.
Never. At all. Never ever.
It never bothers me, though.

I guess I could stop IT.
IT really was not their fault.
Or mine either. You could say
it was yours. But how could
I say that? I don’t know you.

IT was not what you
wanted it to be. You meant
for it to be an idea. You
could never have expected
this to happen. It was too
long ago.

You created it but I’m sure
you are long gone now. Never
ever. Not coming back. Although
you created it. It was not your
fault, It was really society’s.

If you are wondering what IT
is, then you probably have IT.
All I can say if you have not
realized what it is you have got.
Congratulations, you won’t
be like me or them, you
will be just like you.

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