I'm Done | Teen Ink

I'm Done

January 16, 2013
By NickFias SILVER, Rochester Hills, Maine
NickFias SILVER, Rochester Hills, Maine
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I rush into the light and tears crash down,
but dried by beautiful light from above.
My sadness is gone, including the frown.

You make me happy. I swear it be bound,
but now I need you to be with me, dove;
I rush into the light and tears crash down.

When you are away, the sadness surrounds.
I know though that you will return to love,
My sadness is gone, including the frown.

When you are here, I swear I can rebound
to how I am. You make me new, but love,
I rush into the light and tears crash down.

Tears of joy, of utter happiness now,
I see the smile on your face, and I move.
My sadness is gone, including the frown.

You know we were meant to be, until now
because I walked away, foolish, no love,
I rush into the light and tears crash down;
my sadness is gone, including the frown.

The author's comments:
This is also about the girl I really really like

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