mines | Teen Ink


March 7, 2013
By kyeshacherry06 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
kyeshacherry06 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
love yourself

Morning I woke up excited about my first day of school .Had my outfit all layed out and my shoes ready .Took a shower and brushed my teeth .Did my hair so nice that I looked like Beyonce .Watched the news and it said it would be cold outside .So I made sure I had my big coat out.Then I went to eat breakfast .I made some french toast,eggs,bacon.and sausage with a side of grits.While I was getting ready I blasted my music so loud my cat ran and I was dancing all around .My mom began to do her daily routine .Took her about an hour to get done.While I was waiting I went to feed my cat named blessing.After waiting my mom said its time go .Walked outside and there was ice on the ground .I didn't know until I fell as hard as a rock .Landed straight on my butt like I fat potato .I was so upset and a tear came out of my eye .I screamed to my mom for help .Told me oh well I should of watched my step and I got in the car and went to school.

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