I want you back | Teen Ink

I want you back

September 5, 2008
By Anonymous

You were always there for me
always by my side
I guess I couldn't see
without out I just cant abide

The times I loved most
were just talking and laying down with you
Who would have know, now that I'm all alone
all I can do is think of you

I loved it when you held me,
all safe, cozy, and warm
I felt no harm could toudh me,
in your strong protecting arms.

But then I messed up,
I really dont know why
but with you I broke up
and now I'm sorry deep, down inside

All I want is a second chance
but you may never give me another glance
I understnad thats not easy to do
SO, what i want you to know is that I'LL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.

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