Voice | Teen Ink


April 12, 2013
By Mariahroo GOLD, El Cajon, California
Mariahroo GOLD, El Cajon, California
14 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You see I kept asking myself then: why am I so stupid that if others are stupid—and I know they are—yet I won't be wiser?”
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment

I heard its susurration down the hallway, calling softly to the air
Its simple imploration beseeched me to go there.
I heard its whisper all about me; I could feel it swirling round my head.
But the voice that longed for me to come was somewhere I did dread
I refused; I begged; I pleaded
For it to come to me.
But the currents said no good; God what I wanted it to be.

But no;

My eyes grew wide; my hands flared out; and there they struck the wall.
My bloodied fists could feel it fade; the whispering slipped down the hall.
God! I?d lost it in my panic; in my misguided, hungry search.
I waited, settled in the hallway - terrified bird taken to perch.
My mind was muddled by my thoughts, for not could I grasp why -
Why the voice had left me shallow, wishing I would die.

Oh, to rot, to crumble; my soul a stupid matted mess;
All because I'd dared to long, yenned the voice gently caress;
For it could lead me somewhere! A place, a thing long wanted...
But what was that? By god! the very thought left my mind haunted.

This thought I kept close for a long, nameless time
So long that my body was soon filled with grime.
Now brimming with the dirt of thought, of countless wasted years,
I strive to rinse myself - to brush off my weakened tears.

And standing there, I look above; there the doorway does loom high.
And thunder shakes its frame as the voice comes out in one smooth cry.
I take one last look upon the floor, seeing my feet silently stride,
As at last I dare to step inside.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 18 2013 at 2:22 pm
NobodyKnowsMe GOLD, Lancaster, South Carolina
12 articles 0 photos 57 comments
the way you write makes me feel inferior to you.i hate and love when that happens.i'm so gonna read all your stuff from now on.