Can You? | Teen Ink

Can You?

September 7, 2008
By Kayla Branham SILVER, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Kayla Branham SILVER, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dont be shocked that people Die, Be Surprised you're still Alive." -Flyleaf (Cassie)

Can you see beyond the scars?
That were self inflicted
Or is this world too vindictive?
You judge and fear me
Like I'm a monster or a ghost
Just because I deal with pain different than most
Why stereotype?
You never even asked
Why I felt like I needed to put on a mask
I'm a human being
I feel happiness too
But now all I am is an emo to you
My pain is embedded in my skin
But its also so deep down
Sometimes I feel like I'm going to drown
Just want to cut it out
You'll never know the feeling
Or see my emotional wounds healing
So I put a smile on everyday
And wish all the hurt away
Maybe one day you will understand
That I'm not some freak
Just a broken girl who's sometimes weak

The author's comments:
Stereotypes will never stop in our world, but how can a person judge someone when they have a serious problem?

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