Romance by the Sea | Teen Ink

Romance by the Sea

September 10, 2008
By Anonymous

His body is close to mine as our feet intertwine in the cold scintillating waves.

Our arms touch as his soft lips graze and caress my neck.
His kiss is like a shockwave that ripples a sensation through me.
The cool wind blows the sand; scattering it like a field of dandelion seeds.
The sun begins to lower, and the tide begins to diminish.
The sea and sky mirror the reflection of the sun, turning a beautiful and shimmering orange.
The sun has left the sky and the moon and stars have taken over.
I am lifted from the sand into his arms.

He beckons to me and takes my hand once more.

He holds me close as our bodies sway together as one.

His eyes watch me, as I watch his.

His soft enticing voice whispers in my ear. “Be with me forever.”

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