A Faded Friend | Teen Ink

A Faded Friend

September 8, 2008
By Anonymous

The older Brother I never had, and
The one I sought when oh, so sad.
When fear arose, or when I was angered,
You tamed the Beast, and protected against Danger.
A hero in Most cases, I looked up to you Greatly, but
How easy you've come to this point and forgotten me.

Of all the friends my life had foretold,
You were the one I lined in Gold.
With many memories made in the past,
I hate that you've up and gone so fast.
I've tried still to give my care,
Yet you leave me here alone and bare.

You impacted my life to the Greatest extent, and
For you my Love was always meant.
I shall not cease to bring you back,
Even after days fade to black.
With you gone my heart is Forever sore, and
So it will remain Forever more.

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