Just A Tear | Teen Ink

Just A Tear

September 9, 2008
By Anonymous


A tear falls as I sit in bed..woundering why things
are this way. It's exhausting and I'm tired, but I can't let go, not of him, not when I know how it could be. A tear falls thinking of you, where you are, what your doing, who you are with and do you even miss me?
A tear falls as I remember the first time I seen you...the first time I kissed you.. and the first time I knew
I had lost you. A tear runs down my cheek remembering all you did for me and how you treated me. How I was your
everything and you trusted me. And I sit, wipping my tears away, realizing not a tear in the world will bring you back and you dont even care...

Cuz its only a tear to him...

The author's comments:
All girls go through those really bad break ups and that is what I went through. Writing this poem really helped me get over those sad days because no one understands you like yourself.

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