With All the Meaning, the Color Red | Teen Ink

With All the Meaning, the Color Red

April 21, 2013
By SomeoneAmazing BRONZE, Commack, New York
SomeoneAmazing BRONZE, Commack, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is no other better than the color red,
The majestic beauty holds much power,
There is no better, as someone once said,
In the world, it blooms like a new flower.
To one it may be just another shade,
However to her, red holds lots in store
To another it tells of the betrayed,
But to the rest red portrays so much more.
The color of the few unbroken hearts,
The color of the love decked in roses,
The color of the anger in many arts,
But it does not matter for truth poses.
The meaning of red cannot be spoken,
But indeed, it is left to be broken.

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