Summer Time | Teen Ink

Summer Time

September 10, 2008
By Anonymous

And you know this living
The living is so easy.
This day in June,
Finest hour
Nature’s green tides in full bloom
The monotonous chip and rattle of the neighbor’s lawn mower blowing over furrows of grass.
Jim Morrison chanting and ranting of love and whisky.
The orange sunlight opaque and permeating, bringing everything to glow
The air smells of easy living, free and pure, beckoning and lulling.
An ominous smile, golden as honey and cream
Slowly melts its way onto me
I cannot resist
I fall instantly into bliss

Life is a cornucopia of desire.

Love permeates life always, the question is whether or not you choose to reach out and grasp it, open your shuttered eyes, allow the golden sun itself to soak into the majestic shadows, purple and royal yet sometimes unreachable, of one’s amorphous soul.

Petals of water-chestnut seem to tatter down in bounteous and
Endless streams.
Gushing and flowing, spinning and glowing
The sunlight caresses their silky descent
Into the indiscernible void.
What guides them,
On their teeming pass?

Love yourself, let love and sunlight reign and embody your figure. Take an exposition into the pleasurably overbearing sun. Smell the sensations and undulations of life, thick and dense in the rich, humid air. Plentiful is the love, rejuvenating and nourishing, we all are screaming children of the ferocious and pure wilds, nature’s righteous, eager supplicants.

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