A dedication to the memory of someone not worth remembering | Teen Ink

A dedication to the memory of someone not worth remembering

September 10, 2008
By Anonymous

As the sun sets, its beauty
quickly vanishes
into unsettling darkness.
So does yours',
along with every one of
your masks that convieniently
matches all your perfect outfits.
The image of your smiling face
is quickly swollowed in a cloud
of your own deceitful conversations.
Stripped of all your pretty colors,
all thats left is your heartbreaking blackness
Unfortunatly for those who were
watching, your memory is not
easily forgotten. Such beauty is
easy to fall in love with.
But unlike the foolish hearts who are willing
to wake up early to see you rise in
the morning, I watch that beautiful
memory of the person I wanted you
to be set for the last time.
I promise when morning comes
I won't be watching.

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