It Doesn't Matter | Teen Ink

It Doesn't Matter

April 24, 2013
By Gage Brinin BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Gage Brinin BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mediocrity deemed suitable in all quadrants.
River bodies indulge themselves in chemical solvents.
Wealthy revolutionaries spend their profit on escalating the over-thrown problem
whilst sharecroppers trade shoes in for inflated dollars.

Legal monopolies justified by the government’s gavel.
Pigmy sized cuts scatter the indoctrinated principle of “deal with it”
while our offspring’s self-glorification is reduced to gravel.
Children are ordered not to be paddled,
but their sanity can be juggled like conditioned animals
from the hands of a suited man like Pavlov.

Chemical enhanced tobacco grips tighter on the depressed populace,
while alcoholic serums are legal although its used in Grim’s back of tricks.
But yet they deem a Mother Natures plant illegal because possession-charges make profits,
While prisons and relatives howl, “legalize it!”

The lands superintendence employs war-like methods
to confront disgruntled protests and wonder why they remain aggressive.
A shock collar on creativity strips the teachers from delivering impressive lessons
“learn the material so our children will remain vessels. The criteria must be learned for funding, all items testable. All of our facts are credible. Failure to fit in societies mold is unforgivable, learn to swim with our tide or be deemed unemployable.”

The next generation declared selfish, unwise, and will go as far as our forefather’s phlegm.
While Uncle Sam makes excuses on why the world is so bad; its not their fault this is the world left for them.

Be patient they said.
Be patient they said.
Be patient they said.

Wall street won’t own corporate America eternally.
Wars will lead to peace, eventually.
Mexico’s drugs will stop peddling, probably.
But let’s sit idle, it will work itself out, doubtfully.

Are you Republican or Democratic?
Are you pro-life, or pro-“it doesn’t matter?”
It’s most likely the latter,
because people have lost the ability to climb the mental ladder
of taking control of their matter
and turning it towards fat-catters
and saying “enough is enough!” to the blood splatter
and the morals scattered from justified insanity to acceptable gun clatter.

But, who am I kidding, it doesn’t matter.

The author's comments:
Slam Poetry.

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