Re-dos | Teen Ink


September 11, 2008
By Anonymous

You’ve toyed with my emotions long enough.
Don’t you know that life’s not a game?
It’s the real thing.
There are no "re-dos."
Don’t you understand that my heart’s not tupperware?
It’s a delicate piece of porcelin;
Breakable indeed.
I confide in your love,
but continuously,
you turn away,
leaving me...
and disappointed once more.
My misery is but a dark vortex of destruction,
building up into a black hole of grief.
I cannot hold this torture in any longer;
I’m ready to break free
from your puppeteer strings.
I’ll hold on no longer to this chaos.
I’m letting go.
You told me you loved me,
but obviously not enough.
You told me you believed in me,
but apparently not very much.
I’m sick of your shilly-shally ways.
This wishy-washy attitude will not let you free.
Life is like a spider web.
So delicate,
but oh, so very strong.
So beautifully captivating,
but also incredibly deadly.
Consequences result.
Don’t you comprehend?
Make your choice.
You can choose.
But, please, please,
remember me when you turn from the person you used to be.

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