What I am | Teen Ink

What I am

September 12, 2008
By Anonymous

I am athletic, smart, and a funny person.
I am wondering if I am going to reach my goal in life
I hear a voice surroundings me like an angel voice
I see an amazing light shining upon me
I want my grandpa to come to my soccer game
I am athletic, smart, and a funny person
I pretend to jump off the cliff off my bed
I feel sad in my heart when a family member dies
I touch the clouds with my imagination
I worry that some of my friends will walk away from me
I cry when I lose someone special
I am athletic, smart, and a funny person
I understand you can’t save someone lives
I say that you can be anything you want to be
I dream that I can fly like an eagle
I try to reach my goal to be a better person
I hope I will be a lucky person in life
I am athletic, smart, and a funny person

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