Reminiscing | Teen Ink


September 12, 2008
By Anonymous

I was a rough little kid. Loved to hang with the boys. Climbing trees and falling to a bloody knee. Making so much noise.

Riding my bike everywhere I went. Almost getting hit by cars. Tripping over my feet and seeing floating stars.

Playing Nintendo and tag every chance I could. Procrastinating to pick up my room, even though I know I should.

Running around on the playground. Loving the swings. Higher and higher into the clouds. Enjoying the breeze the wind brings.

Those were some amazing memories that I try to remember to cover up the bad. But there's still some that left me scarred and sad.

My dad bailed out many times. I remember I'd always accidentally hear my mom cry at night. She was so sick of all the swallowed lies.

Single mom with her 3 kids. Barely making it on welfare. Not much food so we all had to share.

Moved so many times, I lost count. My mom had 2 jobs so we wouldn't get kicked out.

When we reached to a certain age, my brothers were introduced to drugs. That's when my mom became a drunk.

I was the good child. Mommy's little angel. But there were so many emotional problems. It was hard to stay stable.

My brothers became abusive. I witnessed attempted murder. Once, almost forced to jump out a 2nd story window.

Been around bad influences. Put myself into a position where I was technically raped. No one understands my shame.

Things have changed tremendously. No more drugs involved. I try to believe all our problems are solved.

Life has had its toll on me. I've been through plenty for being only 15.

I can't wait until I leave this town in my dust line. And leave every bad memory behind.

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