I Want To Let You Know | Teen Ink

I Want To Let You Know

August 30, 2008
By Anonymous

I Want To Let You Know

Hearts can’t be mended
They can only be healed
If only the good times were suspended
And the bad ones to yield

I thought you were one way
You turned out to be another
Now I’m going day by day
Without my fairytale lover

You were my knight in shining armor
My rescuer in the night
The one I thought I could trust
When hope is out of sight

You made me feel so special
I felt one of a kind,
Prettier than I made myself out to be
A princess in disguise

I wish you knew the damage you’ve done
The part where you broke my heart
You’d walk away shamefully,
Because you tore us apart

Though it doesn’t really matter now
I still need time to heal
Though along with my wait
I’d like an apology for real

One from your heart
So I’ll know you’re not cold
So I can feel your warmth again
The warmth that’s now so old

The warmth that you’ve shared
From person to person
Making them feel special
Playing with their emotions

I’d love to let you know the past
My thoughts, the true deal
And I’d like to also remind you
That hearts don’t mend, they heal

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