I am me | Teen Ink

I am me

August 30, 2008
By Anonymous

I am me
I am no one else
I am unique
I am special
I am beautiful in my own way

You may not understand me
You might not accept me
But I am who I am
Why can't you just love me?

I am me
I will dress how I want to
Eat what I like
Talk how I please
Why is that so wrong?

I am me
I am original
Not a copy
I want to be different
Not like every other person around me

I am me
If I have to be pretty
If I have to be skinny
If I have to be perfect
To get you to like me
Then hate me all you like
You won't hold me back
Your oppionion doesn't matter

I am me
I am different
I am special
I am unique
And I am happy with myself

The author's comments:
I've always wanted to write a poem about this sort of thing... but never actually got around to it. I've always felt this way about things. Too many people won't accept another human being because they aren't the way the media says they should be. I, myself, am rather large and have never looked anything like the media says I should. But, this is how I feel, I am unique, I may not be skinny, but I'm perfectly happy. Too many people take this stuff too seriously. I hope you enjoy my poem. :]

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